Monday, April 20, 2009

new job

I will write another longer post but I just wanted to show you my new place of employment!!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Telling the truth

Hey girls,

So I have had something eating away at me for the last week, I feel like I need to tell you guys because I am not going to be able to hide it this weekend.

I have a boyfriend. We started talking the week before I came to Richmond, then officially started dating, last week. His name is Daniel. He is very sweet and works at one of the parks as a park ranger. He is awesome and I have really enjoyed hanging out with him. My family loves him as well. He gets along great with the boys, which is something I had hopped for.

I am sorry I can't tell you both this in person, but I am afraid you are going to be mad because I kept it from you!

I am going to see him in about an hour and am going to take a picture so I can post it on here to she you guys!

I am hopping that you guys will get to meet him this weekend, but only if you want to! I promise he would only be around for an hour or so.

Please don't write anything on my facebook, myspace becuase you guys are the first to know outside my family. His family has no idea. I will fill you in late(there is some drama with them)

Anyways I hope you do not hate me....

Love ya