Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The 7 days of change

Well as you know my life has just gone through a change. I graduated from College on Saturday. This is a happy time. It ends a chapter of my life. It is also sad, because with that chapter ending so do some relationships and also some of my identity changes. So far in this new chapter it seems like the old. I am home for Christmas and have all of my stuff in boxes. Except I can since that on the next page it shows all the major changes. I am now no closer than 2 hours away from most of my best friends, I am living back in my parents house, I am unemployed and come January first I take over all my bills. Lucky for me I have wonderful parents who are going to continue to pay for my health insurance, car insurance, cell phone, and any other expense that may arrive until I am able to find a job. So I realized all these changes on Sunday. Which I spent most of the morning searching for Jobs and paperwork in order to get everything set up....ALL I WANT TO DO IS TEACH, but it is looking like I have lots of hoops to jump through first.... On top of my personal life changes there are changes in my family. My grandma (Gern) had been in the hospital and just yesterday got out. She is now living in a rehab clinic. This has added stress to my mom ( who I haven't really seen since I have been home) I mean I love my dad and I enjoy spending time with him, but I miss my mom. I also miss my brother. He has been working. or doing wedding stuff or at his own house ever since I have been home. Last night we went on our light night but the conversations were taken up by wedding day plans. Which is fine, I am excited for the wedding, but I would for once like to feel like it is CHRISTMAS and not just the week of the wedding. Tonight brings some major changes in my holiday plans.........
December 23rd- Matt's Christmas, we will be having our Christmas eve tonight. However the only gifts given will be to Matt and Kelli and my grandparents living room will be filled with Girlfriends, wives and finances.....I will again be alone. For some reason I am being left behind. I want to be able to bring my someone special to Christmas......but he isn't in my life yet. grrrrr anyways. Tonight will be weird, but I am determined to get through it without crying. (much like I am now.)
December 24th-Normal tradition- Christmas with my brother, Typically Matt and I exchange gifts, give to my parents and watch a Christmas movie as a family. Then Church, and Nana and Papaw's house. Then back to my parents to go to sleep. This is a night full of traditions.
This year- Matt and Kelli will be in Fremont Ohio and I will be here with my parents. Who have some Meeting in the morning, (they won't tell me what it is about, I am afraid they maybe having some serious money problems, but of course they don't want me to know that, I pray it is not anything to bad because it is Christmas eve.....). I will be at home....probably trying to unpack......and Finish up my wrapping. Then we will go to Church and back to my grandparents.....This is were it is going to be hard, Matt will not be there......I know it sounds babyish but there were several Christmas that I was afraid Matt wouldn't be at(because of being sick) and now I have to face that he isn't there and it is because he is with a different family....He is my only brother and I really want him there. Anyways I am not sure how this night will go...of course I will try to not cry. I am not sure it will happen.

December 25th- normal-Wake up with Matt. SANTA came.....we open presents, call our Cousin's talk about our gifts, Have our BEAUTIFUL Christmas breakfast, then have the family over for a day of fun.....
This year....Wake up alone......Wait until Matt and Kelli get back-Hopefully before 4. I am determined not to go downstairs until they arrive home. I am not sure I can see our SANTA presents alone. So I guess I will play on Webkinz or DINNER DASH!!!! Once they get home we will open presents and then my mom's family is coming to do Christmas. The hardest part of this day will be waking up.

December 26th- Normal-RELAX
This year- REHEARSAL and REHEARSAL DINNER................I think that is a enough said. We have set up and all that stuff too.

December 27th-normal- Relax
This year- Hair at 8:00 a.m., Nails at 9:30, Make up at 10:30, Hotel at 11:00 getting dressed, Pictures at 1:00, Wedding at 3:00, Reception right after...

December 28th- Normal- Relax spend time with my aunt from Atlanta.
This year- Gift opening party at noon- and if we get done in time I am going to a Christmas party with some of my high school friends.

The madness continues with my parents 30th anniversary, Honeymoon airport drop off and pick up. NO new years eve plans, and house/lizard sitting.

Ohhh I totally forgot to mention....Yet another one of my friends is getting married. Andrea and Alex got engaged on Saturday. I am in the wedding..... 27 dresses HERE I COME!

Thanks for listening....

Keep reading!



Anonymous said...

Life's changes are usually hard, but in the end they are worth it. I remember my college graduation. They had Patti ride home with me so I wouldn't cry the entire 4.5 hours. And you have even more change than that. You're gaining a sister-in-law. You're starting a new job soon (hopefully). It's a very exciting time. Your whole life is right in front of you. Everything you've worked for up until this point is now ready to fall into place. You never lose all the good of the past, if you're willing to hold on to it. But you're now in a position to gather up all the goods of the present and the future. It is a very exciting time.

I am so proud of you and so happy for you!!! I know that a whole world of good things lie ahead for you!