Saturday, February 21, 2009

the status I couldn't post.

So here is what I desire my facebook status to say....

Katie is sick of always being a last min thought.

now I will explain

This evening, my grandparents invited us over for dinner and a movie. My aunts wanted to watch Mama Mia. Now naturally my cousins and brother did not want to watch this movie. I was indifferent on watching the movie. When I got there my aunts were all sitting talking, and when I walked in excited to see me! Zach and Brittany were also their along with Matt and Chris. I was sitting on the couch with Zach and Brittany. Zach was in the middle. Brittany looked in front of Zach at Chris and asked him what he was doing and if he wanted to go see a movie or something. Then looks behind Zach to Matt and ask him the same time. As I sat there and listen to the discussion about this evenings plans. I said nothing. A few min later Zach and Brittany get up to leave as they are walking out the door they tell Matt and Chris that they will text them with the plans. My aunt yells out the door "What about Katie" Brittany goes, Oh yeah. "Wanna come with?" I acted like I did not hear this. After they closed the door I said "no thanks I don't want to be an after thought." Matt and Chris were still there and tryed to get me to go over to Zach's house with them, however I was not in the mood to go to their APT, and I didn't have a car to get home. So I passed. I did enjoy the evening with my aunts, parents, and grandparents. We watched mama MIA and sang and danced. it was very entertaining.
I wish for once I would be the one with plans and could leave someone out. except I wouldn't want to make anyone feel they way that I feel right now! I am sorry to the both of you if I have ever made you feel like that.
Please take the apology and don't tell me that I've done it, I am not sure I can handle it right now, although I know I have probably done it to both of you.

Keep reading



Anonymous said...

Your post makes me incredibly sad. I think it is terribly rude to ignore someone while making plans with the others around them. It makes it even worse when the person ignoring you is soon to be family. That's a recipe for disaster in the future family dynamic. You deserved better treatment than that. She should be ashamed.

Katie, you are not an afterthought to me. I love you very much. I want you included in all plans we make. I hope I've never made you feel like you were any less valuable or less amazing than you are. I love you very much and you deserve only the best treatment.

I am glad you had a good time with the rest of your family. I really need to watch Mama Mia. I think I would like it. I like singing and dancing. Hmmm....

Angelhugs said...

thanks moo. this made me cry!!!!! and i own it!!! well my mom does i'll bring it to richmond!!!

Sarah said...

I don't think I can say it any better than Megan did. Now I don't blame you for not liking her. Do you think they're just not used to having you home? I know that's really no excuse though...Man people suck. I just hope they eventually realize what they're doing to you. This has happened before hasn't it? It makes me sad that your family has changed so much in such a short time.

You're definitely not an afterthought to me either. I'm not ever going to let anyone come between us. I hope you already knew that.

I love you Katie. Everything will get better. Just hang in there.