Saturday, January 2, 2010

New year, a not so new me!

Every year after January 1st I say okay this year is going to be different.....and usually they are the same as the year before.
I am still going to make new year resolutions and I am going to put them in here (its not like anyone ever reads my blog anyways!!!!! lol j.k)

1. Get healthy......Obviously for me this means losing a lot of weight, but I am going to try very hard to take my life in control. I need a new coping is my security blanket.

2. Become proud. I can't really say I am proud of myself. I have a lot of growing up to do..... I need to stop being petty!

3. Befriend Brittany Allen-I have officially let Zach's fiance get the best of me. I can't so much look at a picture of her with out wanted to yell or cry! So I am going to change it. I am going to try very hard to make a friendship with Brittany. Now if she doesn't respond that isn't on me. I will not be the reason her and I do not get along!

4. save money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I suck at it. I don't make very much but I know I could do better (if I would stop eating out I am sure I would be rich!!!)

5. I don't know what 5 I am going to leave that open to add another resolution for the year!

Of course my hope is that if I get all of these in line I will finally meet the person who is going to change my life. The person who I will spend the rest of my life with!!!

I love you girls!

Happy New year!


Sarah said...

I know this is going to sound lame, but I'm really proud of you. Over the past several years your New Years resolutions have included finding the man of your dreams or at least a boyfriend. I'm glad that you finally realized that you have to make yourself happy before you can be happy with someone else. Guys want a woman who is self-confident and happy with herself. Katie, I have faith that once you become the person you want to be, everything will fall into place. Just remember, we have to change for OURSELVES, not for anyone else. I love you!

Angelhugs said...

very wise sarah! Thanks, I am slowly taking the steps to become the person I wnat to be!

Angelhugs said...

very wise sarah! Thanks, I am slowly taking the steps to become the person I wnat to be!

Sarah said...

Good! If there's anything I can do to help you along the way, let me know. I'm always here. Remember, I love ya just the way you are and I'm sure I'll love the new you too.

Anonymous said...

I love your resolutions. And I would love to be your online accountability partner for the become healthy one. I'm going to work on that too for myself.

If things don't work with Brittany and you tried, there's nothing you can do. The more I've been around Randy's fiance, the more I've grown to like her. I hope it will be the same with Brittany. If not, I recommend throwing vegetables at her. There's no excuse for throwing fruit.

I loved the old you and will love the new you. I support you all the way in all of your goals. I miss you and love you bunches and can't wait to see you soon.