Tuesday, January 11, 2011


I made you this video during my snow day....hope you like it!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Scay moments

Hey girls,
so this blog is not like my normal is a little different.

Tonight I was at my grandparents having a wonderful time! It was my brother birthday dinner, so of course he picked a yummy dinner!!!!

Anyways it was time for us to leave.....Matt and Kelli left first, I was still sitting on the couch, and just yelled goodbye(which is normal). Well as soon as mat walked out the door he fell down the three steps outside the door. I was not calm cool and collected at all, I felt like I was having a panic attack. Then by the time I could get up and walk over there Kelli (who was walking to help him) also fell. This made it worse. My heart was racing and I was shaking. Everyone else was over talking to them and trying to figure out what to do. All I could hear was Kelli crying.... I froze and couldn't do anything. I didn't know what to do. All I could do was yell for my dad to come and help them (even though everyone else was out there, I just felt like my dad needed to be there also). Anyways they are both okay, Kelli twisted her ankle but she walked away, I am sure she will be sore in the morning.....

Now the reason I am writing this blog is because I realized tonight that I have a crazy fear.......I am afraid Matt is going to die. In my mind all I see was Matt on the ground, twisted up and bleeding......(there was no blood) I was so scared, I didn't know what to do....I am sure this steams from him being sick and having a realistic opportunity for him to die, but he didn't and he is strong and he is doing WONDERFUL, But I will be 100% honest I am terrified something is going to happen to him. This is not a new feeling it just came out badly tonight, alot of that being tied in that every birthday we celebrate with his is a true blessing. I honestly do not know what to do or how to make it better, but I can't stop crying. My nerves are shot, I just want him to always be in a bubble...

He is 26 years old I need to get over it, but for some reason I can't I am just so afraid of losing him.

okay I am going to stop...

thanks for listening!


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Hello girls!!

It is currently 4:36 on Wednesday! I had another snow day today.....which caused me to become a little bored. Now I am sitting at Toyota getting my car fixed.

I am super excited about this weekend!!!!!
I really hope I get to leave work early! I know Sarah may not be home yet but if I can leave early I get to bypass rush hours in both Cincinnati and Lexington!! WOHOO!!

This is totally a random blog and I do not have a whole lot to say.

I think I am done with this blog!!!


Love ya,

Sunday, January 24, 2010

The last one.

I don't really feel like going into a long blog, but someone times I am just sick of being the last a lot of things!!

thats all for now.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

New year, a not so new me!

Every year after January 1st I say okay this year is going to be different.....and usually they are the same as the year before.
I am still going to make new year resolutions and I am going to put them in here (its not like anyone ever reads my blog anyways!!!!! lol j.k)

1. Get healthy......Obviously for me this means losing a lot of weight, but I am going to try very hard to take my life in control. I need a new coping is my security blanket.

2. Become proud. I can't really say I am proud of myself. I have a lot of growing up to do..... I need to stop being petty!

3. Befriend Brittany Allen-I have officially let Zach's fiance get the best of me. I can't so much look at a picture of her with out wanted to yell or cry! So I am going to change it. I am going to try very hard to make a friendship with Brittany. Now if she doesn't respond that isn't on me. I will not be the reason her and I do not get along!

4. save money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I suck at it. I don't make very much but I know I could do better (if I would stop eating out I am sure I would be rich!!!)

5. I don't know what 5 I am going to leave that open to add another resolution for the year!

Of course my hope is that if I get all of these in line I will finally meet the person who is going to change my life. The person who I will spend the rest of my life with!!!

I love you girls!

Happy New year!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

a moment to blog!

Hey girls,
So I am suppose to be doing stuff for School tomorrow, but I would rather write this blog.
I hope you guys had a wonderful Turkey day!!! I know mine was good and very filling!!!!

Black Friday was also a blast!!! I spent way to much money!!!!!!! Oh well, I did spend most of it on Other people!

Anyways I actually am just going to start rambling a little!!!!

I have "husband" fever now more than ever! I just would really like to find that person who I am going to spend the rest of my life with....I know good things come to those who wait...but I am done waiting. I feel like I am finally truly 100% ready to give my all into a relationship and there isn't even a gleam of hope!!!! Who knows!!! Someday it will be my day!

Now a School update.....

Well I will begin by saying I love being a teacher........

However at this school and my actual position it makes it hard.... I don't want to whine because I am so thankful to have this job and this opportunity, but I would like to come out of work one day feeling like I really did my job!!!!!!! The administration at the school are NUTS!! They do not understand how to run a school!

I just don't know I come home everyday emotionally, physically and mentally drained............... I don't get anything done in the evenings because of this!

I don't know I am going to stop myself right there because I want to remain positive about my job.....

okay well I was going to post some pictures but it just isn't working!!!
I love you both!!!!

Can't wait to see you....sometime!

Love ya

Sunday, November 29, 2009

No Blog

Hey girls,
So I was determined to sit down and really blog!!! I had developed this blog entry in my head for the last week....well now I have no clue what I was going to blog about BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Sorry i will blog again someday!