Sunday, April 27, 2008

not wanting to do homework

Well I am sitting here not wanting to do homework..... I have been thinking.....well its dead week and that means there are only two weeks left before I get to go home!!! I feel like I should be sad because its my last week of being an RA, tonight is my last Exect meeting for NRHH and after Tuesday I will be COMPLETELY done with that. I only have like 6 more classes, and 2 more assignments!!! Luckily next year is teaching and doing teachery things, NO MORE STUPID HOMEWORK, but I do know its not going to be an easy semester, because I will be teaching!! but I am soooo excited!!! lol
ok I need to go get ready!!!

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Friday, April 18, 2008

teaching is where I belong

Some people question their choices in life. Luckily for me I am pretty excited about my upcoming career. Today was a big milestone in my teaching and in the next two week everything will unfold to determine if I can take the next big step. This is both nerve racking and exciting. I know I made the right decision when it comes to my major, and I think most people would agree with me. I do free that I am not going to be good at my job, i am not the smartest person and I never will be. I can't just read something once and know what it is and what it means. I have to look into and figure it out my own way, which creates a minor set back when you are in a room of 30 young kids wanting to know EVERYTHING. Anyways we will see how the next few weeks go, and will have my fingers crossed for next semester.

The hard thing about getting old is your career choice, but it also makes me look at different angles of my life.... By now I wanted to be in a relationship, one that could lead to marriage, but that just isn't happening. I mean I know I am not a scary hideous person, (well hell those girls have guys). I know what the problem is....its my weight...and believe me I WANT to change it, but eating is also my comfort and my stress reliever. I think if I could change my weight a lot of thing would get better......i know my self confidence would....i walk around wondering who is laughing at me and what they noticed that made them laugh, when in reality I am sure I wasn't even noticed. I just want someone a stranger or someone to walk up to me and just tell me I am beautiful, I would prefer a guy lol. I just wish I could feel the way my parents to, or my brother or a lot of my friends...I have never had a chance to have a real relationship. I have only kissed one guy and it was all in the course of one night....I am 22, COME ON I need some help. I am sure you are like shut up your not alone, but the point of my blog is for me to ramble, so that is what I am doing.

I think I am going to Stop, i don't want to get sappy....Basically I am ready for my life to take off.....

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Friday, April 4, 2008

A weekend with friends!!

Sometimes the life I live is one filled with stress and complication. I live surrounded by people I love and people I hate. Some are stuck living that life but I am lucky and I have my very own getaway. I take the time to travel to Louisville and see someone who not only lead through the most complicated semester of my personal life but someone who can make me smile at the drop of a dime and makes me feel like I am special. This would be Megan AKA MOO. I love her to death. I also get to spend these wonderful getaways with one of my best friends, Sarah AKA Toga.
This visit imparticular is very important to us because our time in college is coming to an end. We must embrace the time that we have together and we definitely don't take them for granted.
Enough with my babbling about two of the greatest friends I have now to fill you in on our events of the trip.
This evening we went shopping and to dinner, now we are getting ready to relax, hang out and watch a movie!!! WOHOO
Tomorrow is the real adventure. We are waking up early and going to eat at our Louisville favorite, LYNN paradise cafe. Then we are going to make our way to the ZOO!!!!! We are all very excited and can't wait to see our favorite animals. When we are done we will most likely get some food and head back to the APT and hang out!
Sunday will be the sad day. We will wake up and get some breakfast and then Sarah and I will travel back to Richmond.
That's when the confusion continues, I am going to be fighting to stay alive for the last 6 or so weeks of school.

That is all I have for now....

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