Thursday, January 15, 2009

One Wish.....

I was thinking today that there are two things missing in my life. Love and a I had to question wish one I wanted the most. At first I said Love.....but then I continued to think about it. I want to teach! My one wish is to be a teacher. I would also love to fall in love and get married. But I feel as though I must become a teacher first...I am not sure why but I honestly believe I can not find the person I am suppose to marry until I am a teacher. Now to keep me busy I wouldn't mind a couple of dates! lol anyways......

My one wish is to become a teacher!!!! To have my own classroom, filled with my own students!!!!

On a side note!!! I got a call tonight about Babysitting for my childhood babysitter....Isn't that funny!!!!! WOHOO! I am excited her son is two and his name is Eric!!! ok I am going to go now, but I promised one of my readers Iwould blog so I did.

keep reading!



Sarah said...

It's about time you blogged! You need to keep up with me and Megan!

Anonymous said...

I think your wish is good. Psalm 37:4 says "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you all the desires of your heart." It's hard to be patient, but I know that God is working right now to give you both of your wishes. I don't know how He's doing it, but I know he is.

Katie, I know you are going to be a wonderful teacher when you get in the classroom. You truly love what you are and what you are going to do. Your students will be so blessed to have you.

Keep your spirits up. I know good things are coming. You are in my prayers.

I love you Katie!!!