Saturday, January 10, 2009

New year New me!

Since it is now 2009, and I have graduated college I feel like I am beginning a new chapter in my life. So I am going to write a synopsis of what to come in this chapter. I am not calling these goals, or resolutions because those are breakable. I am not going to allow myself to change the chapter.
I feel like this chapter in my life is going to be crazy, scary and unremarkable. Big things are going to happen to me, and that is scary! I have finally reached most of the previous goals that I had set for myself. I have wonderful friends, an awesome family and a wonderful education. I am a teacher, which has been a dream of mine since I was five. So in this chapter you will see a lot of things going on. First and foremost I am going to get healthy! I am done worrying about the number on the scale I am going to worry about being healthy and happy. In order for me to do that I need to lose some weight(ok more than some) and exercise more. Luckily since I am living at home right now my two biggest cheerleaders are just down the hall. My parents encourage me to go exercise and they go with me. So hopefully this will help! Also having my meals mad for me helps and decreases my need to run through some place! Look for a smaller version of me through this chapter also someone who has more energy and more confidence!

Next in the chapter you will begin to see the career side of Katie come out. I am going to be on a search for that perfect job. I know that the job is in teaching and it will be in teaching elementary school. However I do not know where that perfect district is or that perfect grade level and that is going to be the business side of the chapter.

Lastly I will be on a quest for me.... I know what I want to do with my life, and I know that I am a good teacher, however I am still in search for that one thing that I just love to do for me. I don't know if it is going out to the bar and meeting new people, or if it is painting. or it could be anything in between the two, I am not sure but I am looking for it!!!!! This chapter will be filled with exciting adventures of outing, travels, old friends and new ones. I am sure that it may even include some heart break, and maybe even some love, but you will have to wait and see about that one!

I know this may seem silly and crazy but it is all going to happen because I want it to happen, and the chapter is already written I just have to make sure it goes the way it is suppose to, and as cliche as this might sound, God is going to lead me through it, now more than ever I am using him to get me through my life!

Keep Reading



Anonymous said...

I am so very proud of you! I know that this chapter of your life will read like you have planned. I think you are a beautiful wonderful person and God has such wonderful things ahead for you! Thank you for being a blessing in my life. I can't wait to see what life has in store for you!!! However you change and wherever your life takes you, remember that I love you very much!