Wednesday, December 2, 2009

a moment to blog!

Hey girls,
So I am suppose to be doing stuff for School tomorrow, but I would rather write this blog.
I hope you guys had a wonderful Turkey day!!! I know mine was good and very filling!!!!

Black Friday was also a blast!!! I spent way to much money!!!!!!! Oh well, I did spend most of it on Other people!

Anyways I actually am just going to start rambling a little!!!!

I have "husband" fever now more than ever! I just would really like to find that person who I am going to spend the rest of my life with....I know good things come to those who wait...but I am done waiting. I feel like I am finally truly 100% ready to give my all into a relationship and there isn't even a gleam of hope!!!! Who knows!!! Someday it will be my day!

Now a School update.....

Well I will begin by saying I love being a teacher........

However at this school and my actual position it makes it hard.... I don't want to whine because I am so thankful to have this job and this opportunity, but I would like to come out of work one day feeling like I really did my job!!!!!!! The administration at the school are NUTS!! They do not understand how to run a school!

I just don't know I come home everyday emotionally, physically and mentally drained............... I don't get anything done in the evenings because of this!

I don't know I am going to stop myself right there because I want to remain positive about my job.....

okay well I was going to post some pictures but it just isn't working!!!
I love you both!!!!

Can't wait to see you....sometime!

Love ya

Sunday, November 29, 2009

No Blog

Hey girls,
So I was determined to sit down and really blog!!! I had developed this blog entry in my head for the last week....well now I have no clue what I was going to blog about BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Sorry i will blog again someday!

Monday, May 4, 2009

No more new Job

Meg, this is for you.

I quiet my new job!!! I wasn't making enough money, My intellegence was being questioned, and my boss is a really COLD person. OHHHH and not to mention I am the only one who works there with a Degree other than high school and I was being treated like a 5 year old by a 17 year old!!!!

Monday, April 20, 2009

new job

I will write another longer post but I just wanted to show you my new place of employment!!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Telling the truth

Hey girls,

So I have had something eating away at me for the last week, I feel like I need to tell you guys because I am not going to be able to hide it this weekend.

I have a boyfriend. We started talking the week before I came to Richmond, then officially started dating, last week. His name is Daniel. He is very sweet and works at one of the parks as a park ranger. He is awesome and I have really enjoyed hanging out with him. My family loves him as well. He gets along great with the boys, which is something I had hopped for.

I am sorry I can't tell you both this in person, but I am afraid you are going to be mad because I kept it from you!

I am going to see him in about an hour and am going to take a picture so I can post it on here to she you guys!

I am hopping that you guys will get to meet him this weekend, but only if you want to! I promise he would only be around for an hour or so.

Please don't write anything on my facebook, myspace becuase you guys are the first to know outside my family. His family has no idea. I will fill you in late(there is some drama with them)

Anyways I hope you do not hate me....

Love ya

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Welcome to Cincinnati!

Good afternoon Ladies!!! I would like to thank you for planning your next adventure in the Cincinnati Area. I have on record that you will be staying approximately 20 miles north of Cincinnati in our Fairfield location! They are excited and awaiting your arrival. This is your official travel guide!
Please read the following...

You both will be traveling by car.
If you are coming from Louisville take 71 north toward 75 N. Merge on to 75 North and travel into Ohio. I would recommend being in the left lane. This will keep you out of the way for merging traffic. When you reach exit 16 you will begin to see signs for the merge of I 75 and I 275. You will want to begin making your way over to the right lane. You will be exiting at exit 19 West Chester/ Fairfield. There is no need to be nervous or worried about this merge, it will be an easy drive.
If you are coming from Richmond KY, Just head north on I 75. do not get off of I 75 until you have reached exit 19. You may follow the same guide lines at the Louisville traveler.

As I am sure you both are aware you are going to be driving in some traffic. Now Lucky for you the traffic should not be that heavy traveling through the city. If you plan to hit Cincinnati anytime after 7:30 and before 3:00 in the afternoon. Please Inform me of your arrival time, so that I can have my staff ready! I would recommend a 8:30-10:30 arrival time, that would MAXIMIZE the fun!

Itinerary of events
This is a tentative plan of events for your visit to the Cincinnati area.


8:30-10:30-Approximate arrival time-please park in front of the house. If you are facing the house you want to park on the right side of the driveway. Check in at the front door. If you call ahead we can have someone meet you in the driveway. During this time you will check into your room, and exchange hugs and excited screams with your friends and our staff.

10:30-11:30- This will be free time, you and your party and discuss what will be happening at this time (perhaps deciding on lunch plans!)

11:30-12:30ish- Lunch, This is on your own. For your convince I would like to recommend some Cincinnati favorites. Skyline Chill, La Rosa's pizza, Richards Pizza, or City BBQ, IKEA Food mart. There are also 100s of other dinning establishments that you could dine at.

12:30ish- IKEA!!!!!!! This will be your tour and shopping time at the IKEA Furniture store. The end time is undetermined due to the large store and personal preferences. Most of our visitors recommend a 2 hour period in the store.

Following IKEA- A driving tour of the area, stopping to view some of the local attractions, and hometown favorites of Miss Katie Williams.

Following driving tour-JUNGLE JIM'S- the worlds largest super market- This two is a unique shopping adventure that could take a couple of hours depending on the shoppers.

Following Jungle Jim's- Dinner, After all that shopping we would have worked up an appetite. Dinner is also a on your own decisions. Our staff has volunteered to have Chicken Enchiladas, which would allow for a fiesta type dinning or your may venture to one of the wonderful venues in the area.

Some after dinner ideas;
Monster Golf- an indoor glow in the dark putt putt place
Movies-A place to watch the latest releases
Bowling-A bowling alley

There are also several other options that can be discussed with our staff.

After your evening activities you will be released to sit and chat with friends, or go to sleep in your luxurious bed room. You will be staying in our "guest suit." You will be sharing a room and a bathroom. There is a computer in your room and the lodge is full equipped with a wireless connection.


Wake up around 9:00ish- Breakfast served and cooked by our staff.

You will then have some time to shower, and get yourself ready for the day. Make sure you are comfortable because you will be walking

10:45ish-Departure from the lodge and travel to the GREAT CINCINNATI ZOO!!!!!

You will have all day at the zoo. Be Prepared to see lots of animals and take lots of pictures.

After the zoo-Dinner. Your dinner options are.....Some place downtown, My staff is working to find an affordable yet fun locations or you may dine at the lodge (this would be if you did not eat the fiesta meal the night before. I do believe that the owners of the lodge will be gone this evening so you and your party would have the house to themselves.

This evening you can do any of the previous mention evening activities. We also offer "red box" rentals, Wii playing, N-64 playing and super Nintendo.


We do not plan your Sunday activities due to the difference in departure times. This can be decided with you and your party.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

We would like to thank you for choosing us! We look forward to seeing you next weekend.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My dream guy

So today I was out with some of the girls from high school. We got on this topic of our dream guys. Then Katy Schinder told us that she believes if you make a dream board you will slowly see things change lol. I am not sure I really believe that but I figured I would blog about my dream. This entry is going to be a list of qualities I want.....

1) Beautiful eyes- that way I can get lost in them!

2) A bachelor's degree

3) a romantic-someone who will romance me!

4) Someone financially stable

5) someone who loves spending time with my family- I don't want to have to entertain him.

6) Someone who my friends love- and of course he would love them as well.

7) Old fashion. I want someone who will open my door, wait for me to sit before he does, bring me flowers, ALWAYS pay (or at least offer), and he better ask my daddy if he can marry me!

8) motivating- I want someone who is going to motivate me to be better, i don't just want someone who is going to tell me I am perfect, no one is perfect and i need someone to make me better!

9) soft hands, I want to enjoy holding someones hand.

10) Cook- I want to be able to cook with my husband.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Our summer vacation

Create your own FACEinHOLE

I can't wait for our trip!!!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

The 30 hour famine

At 12:02 on Friday afternoon I finished eating a cheese burger and fries from Applebees. I decided on this meal carefully. I knew that after I finished I would not be eating again for 30 hours. In the back of my mind I was planning on sneaking to get food. After I left Applebees I had to come back home and get my stuff together. Now I was not allowed to drink pop for the 30 hours, however I had planned on drinking one right before I got the church. When I arrived home I packed up my things and loaded my car. Then drove to church (no POP was had). When I arrived to the church the work began. I started setting up and getting things ready. This was probably the hardest thing for me because I was all alone in our church and I knew there was food (although I was not hungry from my big lunch, I was fighting with my self to not eat) . I didn't eat!!!! Zach Arrived and we began set up!!!

5:30 p.m.- Students arrived!!! I was nervous and ready to go I wanted this event to go wonderfully!!!!
After arriving and putting their stuff away They began building there Shanties!!! This was awesome!!! I watched 14 youth group members work together to build a house. Now mind you it was 35 degrees out and they were building it outside. They manged to get two really interestingly built shanty (they planned to sleep in them Friday evening.)

After we built the shanty the students were broken up into 3 teams, then we broke to Meijer!!!! each team was assigned a family and a certain amount of money. One group had a family of 4 and had $13 to feed this family (included all food groups minus dairy) for a day. Another group was a family of 3 and had $30 dollars for day!! My group had a family of 3 and we had $20 dollars a day! We began our shopping with Breakfast when we were in this aisle one of the youth members turned to me and asked if they were allowed to add their own money to feed this family. Although some may see this as cheating she asked because she felt bad for this family and wanted to be able to give them more. I nicely told her that we couldn't but we would get as much as we could. So that was our groups mission not to just feed a family for a day but it turned into feeding a family for a week! WE DID IT!!! we were able to plan out 3 meals a day for 7 days and we spent $19.90!!! Now this food did not go to a real family but my group really got into trying to get more for their money. I was so proud of them!!!
The rest of Friday consisted of hanging 1208 post its on the windows of the church to represent the number of children who die in one hour. We also made a large poster covered with 1250 hand prints representing the amount of money we had raised so far!!!

The last thing we did before bed on Friday night was turn off all the lights in the Sanctuary and light 300 candles. After they were all lite we had the kids walk in and sit on the floor. Zach announced that for the next 15 min they were to watch the flames and pray. After 3 second I blew out the first candle. some of the kids were surprised. 3 seconds later another candle went out. this continued for around 15 mins( I know if you do the math it does really work but I went longer on a few! lol) When only one candle was lite Zach explained that every 3 seconds a child dies because of starvation. Then I blew out the final candle. Several of the kids got very emotional. Now I was also feeling the emotion pull at my heart, I did my best to hold it in. We took a few min to talk with the kids and it was INSPIRING to hear what they were saying, 12 hour after we began fasting they were so worried about these other kids none of them had even mentioned being hungry! IT WAS AWESOME!!!!

Now it was bed time....4 brave students we out into the 10 degree weather and slept in the cardboard shanties. 2 of them made it all night!!!! GOOD JOB GIRLS!!!

Saturday morning!

We went to a 12 step rescue mission and did yard work and cleaned up around the building it was a lot of fun and the kids really did a great job. Now this mission was not in Fairfield, it was about 35 min from the Church. While we were their something moving happened. I really felt Gods presents!!!!!!!!!!
We were about to head upstairs (after a potty break) When on of the residents at the mission Stopped Chris (my cuz) He said HEY ARE YOU CHRIS, (we were all speechless) Chris replied yes. The guys said "I went to Fairfield with you" (Almost all the kids in the youth group go to F.F.) Chris said "what was your name" The guy told and then Chris remembered they took a min to talk about some of the people from high school. Chris asked the guy "how he was doing (knowing somethings wasn't good if he was at the mission)" This guys response was " I am great. I was saved right here at the hope house, they even baptised me. Thanks to groups like you I have gotten my stuff together, I don't drink or do drugs. My life is great." Now to all of us living in a rescue mission is far from great! However it was the best thing in life for this guy!!! What was neat is that 6 members of our group were able to hear this guy talk. He was only 4 years older than them and had lived in the same places. It really reached a lot of people. I know that guy was there that day for a reason and I thank god that we got to meet him.

After we left the mission we went back to the church and played games!!! Now this was a fun afternoon, I must tell you about one game that we played. Each person was given a song title and they had to sing the song with water in their mouth. Now I am not sure if you have ever done this it was not easy!!!!!!!! I had to sing "if your happy and you know it" well I spit water out and all over two members of the youth ( I do believe it is on a video somewhere!)

After the games the students learned to knit and made blankets for a nursing home. (They loved this!!!)

Then created activity kits for Children's hospital

Then the famine was coming to an end.....We had our final worship. This was great everyone was ready to eat. Since our pastor (well sucks) couldn't be there to break communion I made the food that they give to kids in 3rd world countries. Now it SMELLED AWFUL!!!!! They kids thought we were going to break our fast with all the WONDERFUL food we could smell the church members making!!! but now they ate the UNIMEX bread, One of the students came up and hugged Zach and I and said I am so glad we broke our fast with what we worked so hard to buy! I LOVED IT This made the whole event worth it!!!!!!

OUR GRAND TOTAL FOR THE EVENT WAS.......$1417.50 (and still growing, Our church members keep calling me wanting to donate money!) Each dollar feeds one child for one day!!!!

I am so proud of the youth group, Zach and Myself!!! WE did it and it was awesome and I actually didn't feel hungry until the very end!!!!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

the status I couldn't post.

So here is what I desire my facebook status to say....

Katie is sick of always being a last min thought.

now I will explain

This evening, my grandparents invited us over for dinner and a movie. My aunts wanted to watch Mama Mia. Now naturally my cousins and brother did not want to watch this movie. I was indifferent on watching the movie. When I got there my aunts were all sitting talking, and when I walked in excited to see me! Zach and Brittany were also their along with Matt and Chris. I was sitting on the couch with Zach and Brittany. Zach was in the middle. Brittany looked in front of Zach at Chris and asked him what he was doing and if he wanted to go see a movie or something. Then looks behind Zach to Matt and ask him the same time. As I sat there and listen to the discussion about this evenings plans. I said nothing. A few min later Zach and Brittany get up to leave as they are walking out the door they tell Matt and Chris that they will text them with the plans. My aunt yells out the door "What about Katie" Brittany goes, Oh yeah. "Wanna come with?" I acted like I did not hear this. After they closed the door I said "no thanks I don't want to be an after thought." Matt and Chris were still there and tryed to get me to go over to Zach's house with them, however I was not in the mood to go to their APT, and I didn't have a car to get home. So I passed. I did enjoy the evening with my aunts, parents, and grandparents. We watched mama MIA and sang and danced. it was very entertaining.
I wish for once I would be the one with plans and could leave someone out. except I wouldn't want to make anyone feel they way that I feel right now! I am sorry to the both of you if I have ever made you feel like that.
Please take the apology and don't tell me that I've done it, I am not sure I can handle it right now, although I know I have probably done it to both of you.

Keep reading


Saturday, January 31, 2009

Hey girls,

so I know Sarah knows because I texted her but I wanted to rant a little. Zach and his girlfriend got engaged this morning. Now I am happy for Zach. He deserves to be in love and he seems to be really happy. However it is hard because I don't feel like she is right for him, atleast in the long run, but I am probably wrong. Its not like I have a great record with love! lol After sitting alone for a few min crying I figured out what really bothers me. I really wanted to be the next one to get married. I really want to find someone, before I lose all of the boys. I know I haven't lose them forever because we are still a close family and I see/talk to them a lot, but it is soo different when they are married. They change, and its not all bad I just don't wnat to be alone anymore.

This week has been great my weekend get away really made me feel a lot better, until today. This is the frist time I have cryed in over a week, which may not sounds like a long time but in the last month it is a world record for me. I am ready to give someone my heart. I know that, I just don't know how to find that person. I have started working out and am trying to make myself feel better about who I really am. It had worked until today. I just feel like I am not good enough. I know even if I get "less fat" it won't help. I just wish once in my life someoen would ask me out to dinner, hell I would take offering to buy me a drink at the bar or something (I guess I would have to go to the bar for that one). I just wish someone other than my family and friends would give me the time of day. I just for once wnat to be in Love. I want to have someone to talk to all the time, to watch movies with, go to dinner with, someone whose smile will make my heart skip beats. I would take it for just a day and them lose it.

I don't know I am sorry to rant on and on about this, I just am ready for something exciting/ good to happen to me!

Oh well there is always next week!

Keep Reading
love ya!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Meet Lynn.....

With humble beginnings Lynn Winter began her career not as a restaurateur, but as a custom woodworker in Kentucky and Northern California. Although seemingly disparate professions, woodworking fulfilled for Lynn her desire to incorporate art into everyday life. After eight years of furniture making, a twist of fate led Lynn to waiting tables. She loved the pace, the people and the possibilities of the restaurant business. She sold her woodworking tools, and prepared to open a restaurant of her own.
Lynn opened Lynn’s Paradise CafÈ in 1991, creating a unique setting that attracts a diverse group of people from around the world. She made them feel welcome, introduced new twists on food and drink and brought new life to the dining experience in areas that had not been fully explored. Sixteen years later, the restaurant remains a tribute to her originality, providing food, fun and community in a visually stimulating, ever changing environment.
The CafÈ has garnered its share of national and regional press in newspapers, magazines and television. Features include being named “One of the Four Most Fun Restaurants in America” by Esquire magazine, notable articles in Southern Living, USA Today, The New York Times and was included in Bon Appetit’s list of “The 100 Best Neighborhood Restaurants”. Lynn’s has also appeared on the “Best of” and “Throwdown with Bobby Flay” on the Food Network, CBS’s “Travels with Harry” and “The Oprah Show”. Lynn has also had the honor of cooking for two Inaugural Balls. “Decide for yourself: Is this a great restaurant with amazing art… or an amazing art gallery with a great restaurant?” Jane and Michael Stern’s book, “Roadfood”.
Lynn has been able to turn her involvement with her restaurant into an opportunity to get involved with the community in other ways. She worked for over ten years with the Kentucky Restaurant Association. During her term as president with the KRA she worked at the National and Regional levels to legislatively bring about a healthy atmosphere to restaurants. She is active and has been for over sixteen years in supporting family farms and bringing farmers and consumers together for the mutual benefit of the community. She has also been involved in Urban Re-Development, bringing new life to the downtown area. After studying with John Carver, she initiated a move to bring local non-profit organizations together with national specialists in Board Governance.
For the last eleven years, she has been working in the relatively new field of Positive Psychology as a Happiness Coach, helping people utilize their strengths in their private as well as professional lives. After a sabbatical at UCLA, Lynn has continued her love of art in daily life through film, design, fine art photography, writing and mixed media.
Lynn has received numerous awards and honors such as, “Entrepreneur of the Year Award” from Ernst and Young, “The Tower Award for Women Leaders”, “Louisville’s Distinguished Citizens Award”, “Louisville’s 40 under 40”, National Restaurant Association’s “Chairman’s Award for Grassroots Leadership “Woman Business Owner of the Year” and “Best Restaurateur” in Louisville Magazine,
Her entrepreneurial ways led Lynn to open the World of Swirl, a very eclectic retail store. This expansion to the restaurant includes her own line of clothing as well as “The Birth of Swirl”, a book uncovering the true story of the world you will enter at Lynn’s. The store has many items that are sure to bring a smile to your face. Lynn currently has a thriller in the works, “The Secret Life of Meatloaf”, topped by a scratch and sniff sticker of her own formulation.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

One Wish.....

I was thinking today that there are two things missing in my life. Love and a I had to question wish one I wanted the most. At first I said Love.....but then I continued to think about it. I want to teach! My one wish is to be a teacher. I would also love to fall in love and get married. But I feel as though I must become a teacher first...I am not sure why but I honestly believe I can not find the person I am suppose to marry until I am a teacher. Now to keep me busy I wouldn't mind a couple of dates! lol anyways......

My one wish is to become a teacher!!!! To have my own classroom, filled with my own students!!!!

On a side note!!! I got a call tonight about Babysitting for my childhood babysitter....Isn't that funny!!!!! WOHOO! I am excited her son is two and his name is Eric!!! ok I am going to go now, but I promised one of my readers Iwould blog so I did.

keep reading!


Saturday, January 10, 2009

New year New me!

Since it is now 2009, and I have graduated college I feel like I am beginning a new chapter in my life. So I am going to write a synopsis of what to come in this chapter. I am not calling these goals, or resolutions because those are breakable. I am not going to allow myself to change the chapter.
I feel like this chapter in my life is going to be crazy, scary and unremarkable. Big things are going to happen to me, and that is scary! I have finally reached most of the previous goals that I had set for myself. I have wonderful friends, an awesome family and a wonderful education. I am a teacher, which has been a dream of mine since I was five. So in this chapter you will see a lot of things going on. First and foremost I am going to get healthy! I am done worrying about the number on the scale I am going to worry about being healthy and happy. In order for me to do that I need to lose some weight(ok more than some) and exercise more. Luckily since I am living at home right now my two biggest cheerleaders are just down the hall. My parents encourage me to go exercise and they go with me. So hopefully this will help! Also having my meals mad for me helps and decreases my need to run through some place! Look for a smaller version of me through this chapter also someone who has more energy and more confidence!

Next in the chapter you will begin to see the career side of Katie come out. I am going to be on a search for that perfect job. I know that the job is in teaching and it will be in teaching elementary school. However I do not know where that perfect district is or that perfect grade level and that is going to be the business side of the chapter.

Lastly I will be on a quest for me.... I know what I want to do with my life, and I know that I am a good teacher, however I am still in search for that one thing that I just love to do for me. I don't know if it is going out to the bar and meeting new people, or if it is painting. or it could be anything in between the two, I am not sure but I am looking for it!!!!! This chapter will be filled with exciting adventures of outing, travels, old friends and new ones. I am sure that it may even include some heart break, and maybe even some love, but you will have to wait and see about that one!

I know this may seem silly and crazy but it is all going to happen because I want it to happen, and the chapter is already written I just have to make sure it goes the way it is suppose to, and as cliche as this might sound, God is going to lead me through it, now more than ever I am using him to get me through my life!

Keep Reading
